Measuring your Culture
The Nodes Explained

Why - Node

The Why node shows your Why Score and the perceived Effectiveness and Relevance of your Purpose (sometimes called a Mission):

"Why" (purpose) node of a Salpulse culture survey

Why Score

Your Why Score is a measure of how well your Purpose is working. It is Node Rollup score for all the questions in your Salpulse Survey that relate to your organisation's Purpose.

Interpreting the Results

If the Perceived Effectiveness component is green, this indicates that your people are consistently advancing your organisation's Purpose. Well done.

But you also need to review your Perceived Relevance score because you could be really effective at pursuing a purpose that no longer serves your organisation's needs. If your Purpose statement and its description have been developed well, they should endure and stay relevant for years, or even decades. However, if circumstances change, your Purpose may need to change too. This is what the Perceived Relevance component measures. Amber indicates a tweak is in order and red indicates that it might need a complete overhaul.