Measuring your Culture
The Nodes Explained

Culture Code Node

The Culture Code node shows your Culture Code Score and the perceived Effectiveness and Relevance of the Culture Code:

Culture Code node of a Salpulse culture survey

Culture Code Score

Your Culture Code Score is a measure of how well the Culture Code is working. It is a Node Rollup score for all the questions in your Salpulse Survey that relate to the Culture Code.

Interpreting the Results

If your Perceived Effectiveness score is green, this indicates that your Culture Code is being well-lived within the organisation. Well done. But you need to also review your Perceived Relevance score (see below), because you could be really effective at focusing on things that no longer matter! If your Perceived Effectiveness score drops into the amber or red, then use the Navigation Tree to drill down into the Perceived Effectiveness scores for the individual Culture Code components to find out which component(s) are dragging the score down. Often, an intervention workshop (eg: for a particular value) can resolve the problem. These workshops work best if you have detailed behavioural preference analytics data for individuals and teams, so people can understand how their behavioural preferences are impacting the culture.

Over time, your Culture Code might get a bit stale and no longer fully serve the organisation's purpose. If you've done a good job of co-creating your Culture Code, it should stay relevant for many years. However, if your Perceived Relevance Score drops into the amber or red, then it might be time to tweak or overhaul your Culture Code. Use the Navigation Tree to drill down into the Perceived Relevance scores for the individual Culture Code components to see if there is one element dragging the score down (in which case a tweak is probably in order) or if it's low across the board (in which case you might consider a complete Culture Code refresh).