Activating your Culture Code

Send a Recognition Salp

What is a Salp?

A Salp is a little package of encouragement from you or your colleagues, designed to strengthen the culture and help everyone focus on what matters most. Each Salp re-enforces an element of your organisation's culture such as your Purpose, a Value or your Shared Ambition.

An example recognition Salp in Salpulse
An example Recognition Salp

There are 2 types of Salps. You send a Recognition Salp when you see a colleague living by your Culture Code. You Share a Story Salp when you've personally had an experience of living by your Culture Code at work, or when dealing with a customer.

How to Send a Recognition Salp

Click on the Orange Plus symbol, then click on the clapping hands symbol:

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In the dialog window that opens, decide what element of the Culture code you would like to send a Recognition Salp for - Why, Way or Do:

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If you select Way, you will then be asked to select which of your organisation's Values you want to send the Salp for:

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Type the name of (or select) one or more of your colleagues that you want to recognise then click NEXT:

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Note: You can send a recognition Salp to everyone in your organisation by selecting the Everyone item.

Type your recognition message, then click SEND YOUR SALP.

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You can add images to a Salp using the camera icon.

You will then be presented with a screen to either view your newly created Salp or send another Recognition Salp. The colleagues you recognised, will be sent a notification of their Salp and it will appear in the feed for the appropriate Culture Code element:

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