Measuring your Culture
Pulse - Your Culture Measured

Navigation Tree

Navigation tree in Salpulse culture measurement

The navigation tree allows you to navigate through the detail of the survey results. Each node of the tree is colour coded with a traffic light representation of whether that node is OK (green), should be reviewed (amber) or needs urgent attention (red). It's important to note that a node can be green (meaning overall it is doing well), even while some of it's components are amber or red:

Traffic lights in Salpulse culture measurement scores

While a survey is still open, the tree is automatically updated as new survey results come in. If there hasn't been enough responses received yet for the questions contained in a node (for the result to be statistically significant), the traffic light will be unfilled and displayed as a dashed outline, but the colour will still give you an idea of how the node is trending:

Example of insufficient responses yet in Salpulse