Do - Node
The Do node shows your Do Score and the perceived Effectiveness and Relevance of your Shared Ambition (sometimes called a Vision or Shared Goal). Your Shared Ambition can stand alone as a short to medium term goal you are all working towards as you advance your organisation's Purpose. If you have undertaken a Strategic Planning process to build a set of Strategic Priorities, your Shared Ambition is an articulation of that strategy - a summary.
Your Do Score is a measure of how well your Shared Ambition is working. It is a Node Rollup score for all the questions in your Salpulse Survey that relate to your organisation's Shared Ambition.
The Do node measures how well you are set up to bring your Strategy to life. It highlights the level of support people are getting from their managers and colleagues to execute on the Shared Ambition, how the Shared Ambition is used in decision making, how clear the Shared Ambition statement is and whether it still reflects the current goals of the organisation, or is becoming outdated.
If the Perceived Effectiveness component is green, this indicates that your people are, in general, empowered to execute on the Shared Ambition.
If the Perceived Relevance component is green, this indicates that the Shared Ambition is still current. If however, it drops into the amber or red, your Shared Ambition probably needs a refresh or it's time to enter your Strategic Planning process again.