Measuring your Culture
Department and Region Breakdow...

View Breakdowns

To view the breakdowns of survey results for your organisation, select the Pulse menu item and click the Breakdowns toggle on. The results section will then switch from the overall dials of the currently selected survey and node, to the Breakdowns Table for the currently selected survey and node:

Breakdowns table by departments (or regions, or teams) in a Salpulse culture survey

The first column contains the node details. Hover over a question entry to see the full question. The second column containing histogram icons, if present, can be used to see the histogram distributions for that question. The third column is the overall score for the entire organisation. If a comparison survey is selected, the scores will also have comparison indicators following it. Hover over the score to see the details of the comparison score.

Following the overall column, the breakdowns table will have breakdown columns that match the setup. If too many columns are in the setup to display, scroll the table left and right to see additional columns.

The first row of each column contains the number of employees filtered by that column definition (called a cohort). Note, this is the total number of employees in the cohort, not the number of people in the cohort who have completed the survey.

Note: To preserve the anonymity of your employees' survey responses, the column data will not show unless it represents 4 or more people.

Anonymity of users in a breakdown for culture measurement in Salpulse

Comparitor Marks

In the cells of the breakdowns table, if you have selected a survey to compare to, you will see comparitor marks, along with a numeric indicator of the amount the score has changed since the compared to surey:

Document image

Note: If there were no users in a cohort at the time of the closing of the compared to survey, the comparitor mark will not show in that column.

Viewing Histograms of Breakdown Results

To view histograms of the breakdown results for a question, click on the histogram icon next to the question text:

Viewing histograms of breakdown results in a Salpulse culture measurement

This opens the histogram results for this question:

Histograms of breakdown results in a Salpulse culture survey

Hover over any bar to see how many responses in that category for that cohort. Note that scores and percentages relate to the number of responses received for the question, not the total size of the cohort.