Measuring your Culture
Pulse - Your Culture Measured

Survey Follow Ups

If the Follow Ups setting has been configured for your survey (this is the default), then when a respondent chooses to attach their name to their results (instead of remaining anonymous), they will be asked if they would like someone from your organisation to follow them up about their survey results (and comments - if entered).

When someone ticks this option, your organisation's Salpulse administrator(s) will be notified and this request to be followed up will be reflected in the table in the Salpulse Survey Node, that can be accessed by clicking on the (view) link:

Following up Salpulse survey responses with individuals

It's wise to follow people up quickly after they submit their responses.

If your organisation does not have the resources to follow people up in a timely manner, it's best to configure this option to be off in your surveys.