Measuring your Culture
The Nodes Explained

Psychological Safety

Your Psychological Safety score represents the degree to which people within your organisation feel respected, safe to interact with others, take interpersonal risks and share their opinions.

Because of the potentially sensitive nature of these results, only your Salpulse Administrator(s) will be able to view the organisation's psychological safety scores.

During the Salpulse Survey, your people were reminded that they can choose to answer the survey anonymously, encouraging honest feedback, particularly about the psychological safety (and trust) questions.

Interpreting the Results

Along with the Organisational Trust node, Psychological Safety is a foundational factor that helps your organisation live according to its Culture Code.

The Psychological Safety node highlights how inclusive your culture is, whether there is toxicity in the workplace environment, how much respect is present and how safe people feel to speak up. You will also get a picture of whether problems are with people's managers or with their colleagues.

A low score for Psychological Safety, or any of its questions, may indicate that you have a toxic workplace environment. If this is the case you should take immediate steps to address it.

It's worth expanding the distribution graphs for each drill-down question in this section because psychological safety can be experienced very differently for individuals within the same organisation and even if only a few people feel unsafe, it's worth investigating further. Here's an example distribution for the question "I feel respected by management" which has a score of 86:

Histogram breakdown of results in a Salpulse culture survey

Whilst 86% of respondents feel respected by management, for 2 people (who strongly disagree or disagree), they feel actively disrespected by management.

Interventions for psychological safety need to be handled carefully to protect the identity of people who may be feeling vulnerable. If your Culture Code has a value centred around valuing or respecting people, this is a great place to start. Remind people that this value was agreed to through a process of co-creation. Remind people of the love to see, expect to see and don't want to see behaviours for this value. Encourage people to call out toxic behaviour when they see it, by referring back to the Culture Code - statements like "this is not how we agreed we would behave" can be helpful.