How Salpulse Scores are Calculated
All scores are within the range 0-100, rounded to the nearest whole number. Scores 0-59 are colour-coded red and indicate urgent attention is needed. Scores 60-79 are colour-coded amber and indicate attention is needed. Scores 80-100 are colour-coded green and indicate that things are going well. Note that even though a node may be green, some of its children may be amber or red (see Node Rollup Scores for details).
If the number of responses for a node does not reach the Respondent Threshold, the node's icon will be unfilled and bounded with a dotted line.
Questions with a numerical score are measured using a 5 point Likert scale - Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.
The score represents the percentage of respondents who agree with the statement (ie: answered Agree or Strongly Agree). We group Agree with Strongly Agree responses in order to reduce extremity response bias - the tendency some people have to only select the extremes and the tendency some people have to never select the extremes. The resulting score provides a good indication of the percentage of people who have a favourable experience in the measured dimension.
Whilst eNPS is often measured on an 11 point (0-10) scale, for consistency with the rest of the survey, we measure employee engagement using our standard 5 point Likert scale. eNPS is then calculated as the percentage of promoters (an NPS term - respondents who selected Strongly Agree) minus the percentage of detractors (an NPS term - respondents who selected Strongly Disagree, Disagree or Neither Agree nor Disagree. Note that unlike in the 11 point scale, the 5 point scale version of eNPS does not include a "passive" category.
Research has shown that using a 5 point scale for an NPS will result in scores that differ from an 11 point scale by only about +/-4% on average.
To understand your eNPS score, see Interpreting eNPS.
A warning will appear next to the scores for any questions where the number of respondents who answered that question is below the Respondent Threshold. For organisations with 15 or more employees, the Respondent Threshold is 10. For smaller organisations, the Respondent Threshold is equal to 2/3 of the number of employees.
A warning will also appear next to Node Rollup Scores where the average number of responses per question falls below the Respondent Threshold.
The Respondent Threshold also impacts how the Node Rollup Scores are calculated.
Your score at each node of the Survey tree is calculated by rolling up all questions in the node's branch(es). The contribution that each question's score makes to the node's score is weighted to ensure sparsely answered questions don't over-influence the node's score. Each question's weight is calculated using the following formula:
If the number of respondents who answered the question is equal to, or exceeds the Respondent Threshold, then Weight = 1.0
Otherwise Weight = 0.5 + (0.5 x Number of Respondents who answered the question / Respondent Threshold)
Your Salpulse Survey includes questions that measure, to what degree your organisation is operating according to its Culture Code. We call this Effectiveness. Your Perceived Effectiveness Score at a particular point in the Survey tree is a Node Rollup Score for all the effectiveness questions in that node's branch(es).
As circumstances change over time, your Culture Code may need some tweaking. Your Salpulse Survey includes questions designed to measure, to what degree the existing Culture Code elements are serving your organisation's needs. We call this Relevance. Your Perceived Relevance Score at a particular point in the Survey tree is a Node Rollup Score for all the relevance questions in that node's branch(es).
Your Salpulse Survey Score is a Node Rollup Score for all the questions in your Salpulse Survey. It encompasses how effective your Culture Code is, the extent to which your existing Culture Code is still relevant, how much trust and psychological safety exists within your organisation and how engaged your employees are.
Your Culture Code Score is a Node Rollup Score for all the questions in your Salpulse Survey that relate to the Culture Code. It is a measure of how well the Culture Code is working. This node also displays measures of your Culture Code's Effectiveness and Relevance.
Your Salp Activity Score (0-100) indicates the degree to which your organisation's employees are using Salpulse to help activate your Culture Code. It counts activity in the 30-day window leading up to the survey send date (when a survey is selected), or the past 30 days (when Today) is selected.The score is calculated as the average of the scores for New Salps, Interactions with Salps, Employee Participation and Recognition Reach:
- New Salps - Counts the sum of the number of Story Salps that have been posted and the number of Recognition Salps that have been sent to colleagues. The score is calculated as: counts / target. The target is calculated based on the following formula: one third of employees send approximately 2 salps per months; one third of employees send approximately 1 salp every 2 months; one third of employees send approximately 1 salp every 4 months. Note: This target is distributed throughout the Culture Code elements with Way nodes weighted twice as much as Why and Do nodes and each target rounded up to the nearest whole number. The overall target may be slightly higher than this formula, due to this rounding.
- Interactions with Salps - Counts the number of comments, likes of Salps and likes of comments. The score is calculated as: counts / target. The target is calculated based on an average of approximately 1 interaction per employee per 30-day period.
- Employee Participation - Measures the percentage of your organisation's employees who are creating Salps, commenting or liking. The score is calculated as percentage / target. The target is 66.7% of employees per 30-day period.
- Recognition Reach - Measures the percentage of your organisation's employees who have received a Recognition Salp or have been @mentioned in a Salp. The score is calculated as percentage / target. The target is 66.7% of employees per 30-day period.
- Scores are capped at 100 (when a target is exceeded).
- Targets have been set, based on our research of typical levels of Salpulse Activity for organisations with vibrant cultures. These targets are subject to change over time (without notice).
- New Salps and Interaction targets at each node are rounded to the nearest whole number. Their Activity Node Rollup targets are the sum of the targets for that node's branch(es).
- Targets are distributed throughout the Culture Code elements with Way nodes weighted twice as much as Why and Do nodes.
- Minimum targets for new salps and interactions at each node are 1.
The Salpulse Culture Index is an overall indication of how fit for purpose, your organisation's culture is. Two thirds of the score comes from your Salpulse Survey Score and the other third from your Salp Activity Score. If you do not have current versions of the following components in your Culture Code:
- Your Why (often called a Purpose or Mission)
- Your Way (often called Values or Principles)
- Your Do (often called a Shared Ambition, Shared Goal or Vision)
10 points are deducted for each missing component. The Salpulse Culture Index ranges from 0 to 100.