Measuring your Culture
Pulse - Your Culture Measured

How Questions are Scored

All question and node scores are within the range 0-100, rounded to the nearest whole number. Scores 0-59 are colour-coded red and indicate urgent attention is needed. Scores 60-79 are colour-coded amber and indicate attention is needed. Scores 80-100 are colour-coded green and indicate that things are going well. Note that even though a node may be green, some of its children may be amber or red (see Node Rollup for details).

Scores for Individual Survey Questions

Questions with a numerical score are measured using a 5 point Likert scale - Strongly Agree, Agree, Neither Agree nor Disagree, Disagree, Strongly Disagree.

The score represents the percentage of respondents who agree with the statement (ie: answered Agree or Strongly Agree). Agree is grouped with Strongly Agree responses in order to reduce extremity response bias - the tendency some people have to only select the extremes and the tendency some people have to never select the extremes. The resulting score provides a good indication of the percentage of people who have a favourable experience in the measured dimension.

A complete description of how Salpulse scores are calculated is given here.